5 OCTOBER, 2020
part of Think Square 3 invitation showing artworks in the exhibition
Think Square 3
I had a very hard time coming up with a title for this post. I'm actually still struggling with what I want to say. There's no big theme here. Mostly, I just wanted to tell you that I'm still here, despite the strangeness of the world we currently find ourselves in. And I hope you're still there. Though several art events that I was scheduled to be a part of have been cancelled, I'm happy to announce the opening of Think Square 3. This is the third year for the highly successful invitational exhibit. I'm honored and excited to be a part of this exhibition showcasing the work of over 50 Cincinnati area artists. Due to concerns over covid-19, the exhibit will move from the Think Shop in Newport, Kentucky, to the Cincinnati Learning Collaborative in East Walnut Hills. Each artist is exhibiting one or two 5 x 5 inch pieces in any medium.
Think Square 3 is open for online and/or in-person viewing October 1-31, 2020! Visit the show in person at the Cincinnati Learning Collaborative on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9:00 - 3:00. No sign up needed.
CLC is located in Walnut Hills at 2813 Woodburn Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45206, phone (513) 470-7400
If you can't visit in person, click here to view the exhibit online 24 hours a day. You can purchase the work online as well.
Below are my pieces in the Think Square III exhibit.
Seed Sigil I, monotype with mixed media
Seed Sigil II, monotype with mixed media
What's Next?
That is the question, right? What should we do, now that nothing seems normal? As I've mentioned, most art galleries have been closed for months, and in-person exhibits have been cancelled. Many galleries, as well as other businesses, haven't been able to weather the storm, and have closed their doors permanently. Who has money to buy art, when so many are losing their jobs?
There is a sense of... waiting. As if everything is "on hold", and we're all just waiting for life to return to the way it was before. It's like being in suspended animation, but with Netflix. So much time has passed in this state of abnormalcy that some of us are beginning to suspect our old way of life is gone forever.
What lies before us is the great unknown, which is always pretty terrifying for us humans, given that we experience time as a linear sequence of events. We are in this moment, and we are stuck with it. So I, for one, see no other way forward than to put one foot in front of the other and... move forward as best I can. Remember What About Bob? Baby steps.
Baby Steps
I'm trying to focus on the moment by doing something with this gift of extra time, other than binge-watch Netflix (though I'll admit to doing that, too). I've been experimenting with new collage techniques, pushing myself to think about it differently than I have in the past. Though I haven't yet overcome my perfectionist tendencies, I have actually finished a couple of the pieces that were giving me fits, including the piece below.
Ordinary Goddess, mixed media collage on antique book cover, 10x7.75 inches
While I continue to explore new facets of collage, there are other baby steps to take. One of them is to improve my website galleries to make more work available for purchase. Some of my work that was out in the world has come home, so I will be adding them to the Galleries.
Confluence, monotype with mixed media, 9.5x7 inches
Germination III, mixed media collage, 9x11 inches
Giclee Prints
Another baby step is to finally list my giclee prints for sale. Giclees are "...reproductions that are created by high resolution digital equipment (computer-based systems) from original paintings or other two-dimensional works. They are printed on top-quality, acid-free, archival grade papers or canvases for durability and improved appearance. The inks used are state-of-the-art for accurate color rendition & lightfastness (the ability to better resist fading)." (mikemayone.com)
I've had giclees made of only two pieces (left), due to the very high cost of producing them. I have ten prints of each at $60.00, and probably won't be making more. Both of the originals are sold.
What Else is Next
Luckily for us artists, we still have the good old internet as a venue for showing work. I will be taking part in a couple of online exhibitions, which I'll let you know about as they get closer.
What's next? Since I have time now, I'm thinking of getting started on a special project or two. It would be fun to venture into forms I haven't worked in much before, and there are a few ideas stirring around in my head. So yeah, one foot in front of the other. Just keep going as best I can.
I hope you all are well, and moving forward in whatever way you are able to at this time. Namaste.